Diamond Maps

Diamond Maps
Simple + Affordable + GIS Software
for Water and Sewer
“Your mapping system is awesome. Exactly what water and sewer companies need.”
Millersburg Area Authority
What Is Diamond Maps?
Diamond Maps is a GIS/Mapping software application you use on your phone, tablet, or PC to map your system, record a lead service line inventory, track maintenance, and document your system. Diamond Maps is a cloud based and designed for sewer and water systems to track infrastructure. Those starting from scratch love how easy it is to plot valve locations and draw pipes on the rich Google imagery backdrop. Existing GIS users move their data to Diamond Maps because they love how their team can all manage pictures and notes. Users can edit the map from any phone, tablet or PC. Best of all it is the one very low cost monthly fee! Unlimited users are determined by each municipality. Whether you hire PRWA to map your system or plan to do it yourself, Diamond Maps is the low-cost, easy to use tool that thousands of small communities use daily. Download our brochure, watch our video below, and visit www.DiamondMaps.com to see how it works and how little it costs.
On the Go
Access your map anywhere with an internet connection. Runs in your browser on any phone, tablet or computer. Nothing to install or back up. New data entered by any one person is instantly available to all users in your account.
Work Orders
Work orders allow municipalities to organize and maintain repairs, routine tasks and special projects. A history is maintained for the ability to export a spreadsheet of all past and current work orders. Orders can be set to reoccurring so they can be completed each day, week, month, or year. Employees can receive and complete work orders on mobile phones or tablets. Work orders allow you to assign each task to a specific employee.
All of the Crucial Data for your Team in One Easy-to-Use Web-Based Program
- Draw points, lines and areas.
- Take control of your GIS by giving your staff the ability to add and edit content.
- Send temporary access to your Engineer with the share button.
- Measure distances and areas.
- Mark elevations.
- Calculate latitude & longitude.
- Add photos and documents for reference.
- Add a note to the log every time you flush a hydrant, exercise a valve, inspect a manhole, etc.
- Create or impact layers for any purpose: parcels, leaks, water/sewer lines, water meters, valves, curb stops, manholes, hydrants, and virtually any asset in your system.
What is the next step for me?
Our website at www.DiamondMaps.com is full of videos, descriptions, and FAQ’s but we recommend you call for an online demonstration or conference call where we can answer your questions and set you up with a 30 day free trial!
Diamond Map Video
To learn more go to www.DiamondMaps.com or contact your Diamond Map Team or contact Ben Hill below.