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$65 - $78

Self-Paced Online

Course ID: 8786
Wastewater Hours: 2

Purchase and take the course at

Proper process control is vital to successful operation of an activated sludge treatment system. Without it, operators can feel like the plant is controlling them, causing them to always be working in a reactionary phase. Operators must be pro-active when it comes to process control, and to attain that goal they must monitor constantly changing conditions and know how to interpret the clues the process is providing them.

This course is designed to educate operators in two methods commonly used to control activated sludge. New operators will find it informative and it is also a good refresher for more experienced operators. Upon completion of the course, operators will understand what F/M ratio and MCRT are, how to perform the calculations, and how to control the process based on the results of those calculations. There are many other things that need to be monitored to ensure optimum operations, but without the proper balance of organisms and food the system will never run properly.

This course requires reading with comprehension and passing unit quizzes. Purchase and take the course at

Tom Goehring
Tom Goehring
Wastewater Manager / Trainer
Pennsylvania Rural Water Association
Cell: (814) 360-4079