Ryan Orgitano
Account Profile

Ryan Orgitano
Sourcewater Protection Specialist
Pennsylvania Rural Water Association
138 West Bishop Street
Bellefonte, PA 16823
Cell: (814) 470-9130
Sourcewater Protection Specialist
Pennsylvania Rural Water Association
138 West Bishop Street
Bellefonte, PA 16823
Cell: (814) 470-9130
Ryan earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology with a focus in Ecology from Lycoming College in 2017. Following graduation, he began a career in wastewater treatment. Ryan held the positions of Operator, Assistant Superintendent, and Superintendent during his time with the Williamsport Sanitary Authority. He is a lifelong Lycoming County resident and is excited to serve systems throughout Pennsylvania. Ryan has a PA DEP Class A,E 1,4 wastewater license and a Class E water license.