Chad Heister
Account Profile

Chad Heister
Pennsylvania Rural Water Association
138 West Bishop Street
Energy and Sustainability Specialist
Bellefonte, PA 16823
Cell: (814) 404-1335
[email protected]
Pennsylvania Rural Water Association
138 West Bishop Street
Energy and Sustainability Specialist
Bellefonte, PA 16823
Cell: (814) 404-1335
[email protected]
Chad has been employed by PA Rural Water since 2018 and is currently an Energy and Sustainability Specialist. Chad has been in almost every job in the water and wastewater industry since 1997. After college, Chad started as an accounting assistant and field sampler at an environmental laboratory. He was then appointed to the Thompsontown Municipal Authority board, where he would become the chief superintendent at the Thompsontown water and wastewater facilities and at the Meribah Water Company. He later worked as an assistant wastewater treatment plant operator at Silver Spring Township Authority in Mechanicsburg. After completing his Bachelor’s degree, he served as an accountant working with contractors for water and wastewater projects throughout the commonwealth as a Pennsylvania sales tax accountant while earning his CPA certificate. Chad is also a Pa DEP Certified Water Operator class A,E with subclass 7 & 12 and Wastewater Operator class A,E subclass 1 & 4 Operator. Additionally Chad is a Certified Public Accountant.