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Thank you for your interest in PRWA’s private training program. Please complete the following form, so we can better plan for and meet your needs. After PRWA staff receive this form we will contact you to confirm details and further review the request.

"*" indicates required fields

Check all that apply

Administrative Contact

This will be the contact for all administrative tasks, and does not need to be on-site for the training.

Onsite Contact

This person must be onsite the day of the course, particularly in the morning for set-up. The contact information will be provided to trainer for set-up questions or support needs.

Additional Onsite Contact

Course Information

Please provide a topic or course number for the course you are scheduling. PRWA does not guarantee the availability of all courses in all areas.
How many participants will there be? There is a minimum charge of 20 participants per private class. A final roster of participants, with contact information and client ids, must be provided to PRWA 3 weeks prior to the course date.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Proposed Training Start Time*
Note trainer will need access to the training facility 1 hour prior to the start time for set-up.
Food and Beverage*
If provided by host please include trainer in numbers.
Training Location*
Provide the location of the training. You must provide an address for the location of the training, if multiple buildings are present a building name or map of the grounds should be provided. Any directions to the location also are helpful.
A training room or area must be provided. The room must be relatively quiet with lighting that allows for use of a projector. The room also must comfortably accommodate the attendees.
Tables and Chairs*
Each participant must have a chair at a table setup classroom style prior to the start of the training.
Trainer Table*
A table must be setup prior to the training for the trainers materials, projector, and computer. A folding table is sufficient.
AV Equipment*
Trainers provide all the technical presentation equipment they need. However if the room has projectors and other integrated technology will it be available for use?
Are there any special location considerations? How will the trainer access a secured areas? Gate codes? Timing concerns for set-up or tear down?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.